Oohrah - let's get to it.
I'm in a GURPS campaign based on WWII. The party is based on an SOE team, altough we've fudged a bit. The DM is sticking as close to the historical timeline as possible.
Trust me on that, coz I tried to get the party to keep the Kraut invasion of Crete from succeeding as possible, and we couldn't swing it. We aslo sunk a couple of enemy ships offa Dakar and the cheese-eating frogs STILL ran, and couldn't complete the invasion.
I play a Welsh NCO named Sean Connery. Sean likes fighting, and throwing grenades. He has had a FEW mishaps throwing grenades, and still throws them. Of course, he also has the Overconfident, Impulsive, and Bloodlust DIS's. Hint, I won't be buying them off anytime soon.
I laughed my ass off when I read the sourcebook, and found that the Welsh were regarded as "dark and brooding madmen".
There is also an element of "wierd war" in the campagin, but I won't go into that for campaign reasons.
Russell plays the Unknown Soldier, a Dutchman disfigured in an early raid, who also happens to have Bloodlust. Trust us to go after prisoners :)
Meryl plays a female pilot who distracts Jerry with her "forward assets".
Laura plays another Welshman who prevents us from blowing up everything we run across. We were planning on blowing up the Eiffel Tower on a jaunt thru Paris. Well, shit, we HAD extra demo.
Alex plays an American liason officer who the rest of the party (errr, me) prevented from gaining Captain's bars in our recent trip to NYC.
Phil plays a paratrooper who redshirts with us, and wierd things just happen around him. For example, a dried up dude in old rags that smelt like myrrh just happened to stab me in the head once while we were in Egypt.
Anyway, we can comment here, but don't reveal any secrets.
Loose lips sink ships!