Texas 1836 game-
2nd session
The party bores the shit out of the DM for the first hour.
"I gamble AGAIN!"
"I don't want to go on a boat, you're going to throw a hurricane at us"
"I walk on the beach"
"I drink these pussies under the table" (Haha, she failed her drinking roll, and was sick for a week :>)
OK Goddamnit, didn't Granny tell me she was kin to the Parkers?
And Cynthia Ann just got took...
ACTION - as Granny bundles up the party and heads for Ft. Parker.
And my mean as hell. cold killer Ranger NPC gets wasted. Damn, an arrow crit in the noggin. Not to mention a whole company of Tonkowa Rangers dies on the Brazos. They got a 2-1 kill ratio on the Commanche, and the party made for a few of those dead Commanche themselves. I didn't manage to kill a single party member ( and yes, I was trying, hee hee)
Well, I guess I DID kill Granny's mule, and she wasn't happy about that
Maybe I shouldn't of let them have the Pattersons so early.
The party did a good job of avoiding one of my DM traps. A Commanche recognizes the shaman from another band's camp, and offers a temporary truce, so the Commanche can collect their wounded (the casualty rate was actually 3-1, but the Commanche were able to tend their wounded, and the party didn't really push too hard to save the wounded Tonks, even the sole surviving Tonkowa didn't say too much). To resolve the party's right to be on the Commancheria, the pahio offers a single combat. If the party's best warrior doesn't win in a knife fight, the weaponless , horseless, and clotheless party will be allowed to walk back to the settlements; if he wins, then the pahio will send a guide and escort with the party to Peta Nocona's encampment. Ohh yeah, the party finds out that these Commanche weren't the ones that took Cynthia Ann. So of course, the Tonkowa warrior speaks up...and the party almost lets him fight for them. And of course, I would have killed him, and got all the party's gear.
Russell figgers it out; I've sandbagged him enuff over the years. And of course, he wins the knife fight over a pretty good NPC with a vitals shot.
And if I REALLY REALLY want to kill the party, well, they're still out on the plains...