Thursday, April 21, 2005

Reign of Steel - Open Thread

2020AD Austin Texas 35years of machine occupation has not been pretty.
Most of the the tall buildings are rubbeled or partially rubbeled.
Everything else is a mess.
Camp maybery was hit with a tactical nuke in the early stages of the skynet attack.

the only 2 bridges left up are I-35 & Congress ave.
The Machines patrol the Austin area somewhat agressively, with HK Tanks, & Sensor Bots.
Popup Flying mines have been seen in the Maybery area to the NW.

HK overflights of the river area every 1/2 hour or so & an airattack base on standby @ Dell Vall in the SE. A new type of HK Supersonic Flyier has been observed with a carrying capasity of 20 Terminators.


Anonymous said...

The ReinOfSteel game takes place in the Terminator universe.
The local is situated around Austin Texas. I use 2 City Bus maps for the game & I write on em the locations we've covered.

Austin was hit by a tac-Nuke near the start of the terminator war.
The Humans are living in disperced "tribes" or pockets in large sub basments & the sewers.
Scrounging off the remains of the old & capturing & adapting the new.
30yrs into the future...

Anonymous said...

Rabbit's a bit conserned about his personal safty. Not that this is a BAD thing when the world is ruiled by Terminators, But his wining tends to make the party a little jumpy.

Rabbits a "Rat", or more correctly from the Rat tribe, they live under the old powerplant next to the river in the remains of downtown Austin.

Every change he gets he go "Trading" at the Conventioneers further downstream. Rabbit's not a born gambler, but sometimes he gets lucky. He's become an important method of resupply for the party.

Anonymous said...

>> Rabbit's a bit conserned about his personal safty.

Fuck, we're underground with no way out unless I open one. We've got the "HEROIC" Red Forman to lead us. {shivers uncontrolably} And no idea what we've gotten ourselves into.

On top of this we don't know if the metal heads have nuked downtown...

At least we're not clanking around in powered armor suits trying to be "SNEAKY"!

At least I know now that Rabbit is still alive...

Why didn't I learn the "Transdimensional Portal" spell when I had a chance! =D

Anonymous said...

Red Forman,
Shit, we thought you were dead.

GMBlaker said...

The party, following up on intel captured a few mission back, have managed several amazing accomplishments. (aside from not gettin dead) They found a way into the underground control bunker for the "Eye Of Ra", restored generator power, managed an up-link (using the crater left by the tac-nuke on maybury as the dish & the upright body of a Terminator in the crater at the antenna). They unfurled the Eye (A larger solar collector) & began charging. "The Hand Of Ra" (A Low Orbital Laser) was soon put in use as tactical support for the party. Unfortunately, when used on terminators little bald metal heads, it tended to heat up & explode the battery inside.