Thursday, July 07, 2005

Since we're playing at British soldiers...

I'd like to express my sorrow to the British for their losses today. In research for our game, it shows that the British have always had a knack for dry humor in a tough spot.

In reading thru the political blogs today, I found the following post:

"From Charles' link to the Europhobia blog.

14:05 - I tell you what, if this is an "Islamic" terrorist attack, they're doing a piss-poor job. The pubs are all packed out, people sipping their pints happily, all a tad pissed off, but basically fine with it. Nice one, Al Quaeda - you profess to be from a teetotal religion, and you've given the pub trade a massive mid-week boost. Result.

Ah, true Brit grit and humour on the darkest day for London in some time... G*d bless this little island.

SH!T! On the BBC now Brian Paddick (Met commander) claiming that there is no link between terrorism and Islam "as he understands it". Scary stuff! Time to introduce him to JihadWatch methinks. Idiot. "


And personally, this is the first time I've said this, but G*d bless the Queen, and G*d bless England.

1 comment:

Cpt. Harold Milton O.B.E. said...

I second that emotion! I've been keeping up with The British "Incident". This on top of Iraq, anf Iran electing the most pollitically and religeous ultra-concervative goverments since before the hostage crisis. And let not forget that Hamas was asked to join the Palistian's goverment. And they all hate us.

This also has to be considered in the light of Rusis, China and assorted allies demanding that we get out of Afganistan. I thought somewhere that all these goverments said that they were our friends. Especially Iraq for saving them from Saddam and Afganistan for saving them from the Taliban...

As for the English, they have suffered from IRA boming for years. They're a plucky lot. And they still talk to us.

While China makes billions from offshoring American Jobs and Technology wants to bullsh*t games with us.

Cpt Milton