WWII Gaming has resumed. Time on deck, Nov 16, 1942.
Sean is back, or is he???
Nothing to report from the last game session.
Other then the fact that we're back in the desert.
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay North Africa!!
Our GURPS games, and why it's FUN to throw grenades. Games we play. WWII - Reign of Steel - Texas Revolution. GURPS is a trademark of Steve Jackson Games The material presented here is the original creation of the members of this blog, intended for use with the GURPS system from Steve Jackson Games. This material is not official and is not endorsed by Steve Jackson Games.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Checking in...
Great work on the site guys!
Good reorts. No wonder they made you an officer, jones.
snickering as i run back out of sight...
Good reorts. No wonder they made you an officer, jones.
snickering as i run back out of sight...
Monday, July 11, 2005
Sean walks out into the desert...
Here we are at the FFL camp, and Sean has been acting strangely since pulling in. He has asked several of the party members if they have seen a beautiful Egyptian woman watching the camp. Otherwise, he is moodier then his typical weird self. Later, at night, he leaves his gear except the Fairburn, his canteens, and a blanket, and slips out into the night..
Sorry gang, but, I'm taking a gaming hiatus. I'm also hiding from phone calls :) The biz is going to a definete second priority for me, as finding a paying job is now more important then ever. It's not just that, but I'm beginning to think clearly for the first time in 4 years (NO not that gaming is bad), and I realize that I am exhausted, and realized that I've hit a wall I've hit several times in the last two years, but thought I could bull thru. I'm taking a couple of real days off first, then I'll put my plans together.
I'll keep in touch by email (just realize I'm very slow in returning these!) and I'll keep an eye on the blahg, or B LOG,as I say, as well.
Sneaker has the keys to the place, and I hope y'all continue to post and record the games (and feel free to start threads on different games as well - I intended for this to be a game tool).
Just coz Sean walks out into the desert doesn't mean he's gone forever.
Sorry gang, but, I'm taking a gaming hiatus. I'm also hiding from phone calls :) The biz is going to a definete second priority for me, as finding a paying job is now more important then ever. It's not just that, but I'm beginning to think clearly for the first time in 4 years (NO not that gaming is bad), and I realize that I am exhausted, and realized that I've hit a wall I've hit several times in the last two years, but thought I could bull thru. I'm taking a couple of real days off first, then I'll put my plans together.
I'll keep in touch by email (just realize I'm very slow in returning these!) and I'll keep an eye on the blahg, or B LOG,as I say, as well.
Sneaker has the keys to the place, and I hope y'all continue to post and record the games (and feel free to start threads on different games as well - I intended for this to be a game tool).
Just coz Sean walks out into the desert doesn't mean he's gone forever.
Thursday, July 07, 2005
Since we're playing at British soldiers...
I'd like to express my sorrow to the British for their losses today. In research for our game, it shows that the British have always had a knack for dry humor in a tough spot.
In reading thru the political blogs today, I found the following post:
"From Charles' link to the Europhobia blog.
14:05 - I tell you what, if this is an "Islamic" terrorist attack, they're doing a piss-poor job. The pubs are all packed out, people sipping their pints happily, all a tad pissed off, but basically fine with it. Nice one, Al Quaeda - you profess to be from a teetotal religion, and you've given the pub trade a massive mid-week boost. Result.
Ah, true Brit grit and humour on the darkest day for London in some time... G*d bless this little island.
SH!T! On the BBC now Brian Paddick (Met commander) claiming that there is no link between terrorism and Islam "as he understands it". Scary stuff! Time to introduce him to JihadWatch methinks. Idiot. "
From littlegreenfootballs.com
And personally, this is the first time I've said this, but G*d bless the Queen, and G*d bless England.
In reading thru the political blogs today, I found the following post:
"From Charles' link to the Europhobia blog.
14:05 - I tell you what, if this is an "Islamic" terrorist attack, they're doing a piss-poor job. The pubs are all packed out, people sipping their pints happily, all a tad pissed off, but basically fine with it. Nice one, Al Quaeda - you profess to be from a teetotal religion, and you've given the pub trade a massive mid-week boost. Result.
Ah, true Brit grit and humour on the darkest day for London in some time... G*d bless this little island.
SH!T! On the BBC now Brian Paddick (Met commander) claiming that there is no link between terrorism and Islam "as he understands it". Scary stuff! Time to introduce him to JihadWatch methinks. Idiot. "
From littlegreenfootballs.com
And personally, this is the first time I've said this, but G*d bless the Queen, and G*d bless England.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
A bloody pip?
Well theyve off and put a pip on me shoulder boards.
Just temporary they say.
Ive heard thst rot before, comes in second to volunterin.
But weve got a desert full of Wops and Krauts, an nobody to interfere except the Legion. The only frenchmen worth respectin.
Except theyre not french, are they now?
Time to delve into the desert, and see what we scrape up, eh what? Maybe we can scrape the pips off.
Just temporary they say.
Ive heard thst rot before, comes in second to volunterin.
But weve got a desert full of Wops and Krauts, an nobody to interfere except the Legion. The only frenchmen worth respectin.
Except theyre not french, are they now?
Time to delve into the desert, and see what we scrape up, eh what? Maybe we can scrape the pips off.
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Testing of Gamer Quotes Blog
We got a nice comment on BlogExplosion (see our our sidebar)
from gawken.com. It's a computer (console/PC) gaming site. Go check it out!
All they said was nice blogg keep up the good work..
from gawken.com. It's a computer (console/PC) gaming site. Go check it out!
All they said was nice blogg keep up the good work..
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Russ is out for this upcoming weekend's game, and I'm going to take the time to work on my biz.
I've got a shoot on monday!!
Alex, I an't forgot the pics, just no time so far; email me, and let me know if you want the Cap's pic replaced with the sniper, or you want them concurrent.
I've got a shoot on monday!!
Alex, I an't forgot the pics, just no time so far; email me, and let me know if you want the Cap's pic replaced with the sniper, or you want them concurrent.
Monday, May 16, 2005
A hint of things to come...?
Just a little background.
And then there was...
Just a little background.
And then there was...
Cool Site
I got a blurb on the Tagboard last week (hell, maybe before that).
I thot it was porno spam, and ignored it. I'm just too lazy to go in and delete it off the board, heh heh heh.
Anyway, Sneaker checked out the site, and it's a damn good one. I can see myself copying down, err, I mean emulating, a lot of the pretties. I'm going to link them ... now:
A lot of focus on Sci-Fi gaming, including one of my favorites CP2020, ooh rah!!!
(Hey Russ, wanna be a huuuuman agian, hahahahaha!)
Go check it out.
BTW, don't anybody spam me for porn - unless you cut me in!!!
"Also, I can kill you with spoilers from Serenity"
Oh yeah, I was cussin on the Tagboard, b/c they wouldn't let me cuss :>
I thot it was porno spam, and ignored it. I'm just too lazy to go in and delete it off the board, heh heh heh.
Anyway, Sneaker checked out the site, and it's a damn good one. I can see myself copying down, err, I mean emulating, a lot of the pretties. I'm going to link them ... now:
A lot of focus on Sci-Fi gaming, including one of my favorites CP2020, ooh rah!!!
(Hey Russ, wanna be a huuuuman agian, hahahahaha!)
Go check it out.
BTW, don't anybody spam me for porn - unless you cut me in!!!
"Also, I can kill you with spoilers from Serenity"
Oh yeah, I was cussin on the Tagboard, b/c they wouldn't let me cuss :>
Tuesday, May 10, 2005
When Last we left our Heroes...
Sgt. Jones and Meryl were flying support for the rest of the team.
Captain Milton hurts his ankle on the hump to the next recon zone.
Sgt. Connery thinks to aid in the theft of a horse and buggy by using a dose of morphine on the doctor they belong to, and promptly ends up scalpeled thru the hammy, and getting his head cracked open by a bedpan.
(The Docter fought back after he was attacked "with a morphine serret" & told several times that Sean was here to kill him {2 failed Italian rolls back to back saw to that} When Sean was immoble after the docter slashed the same leg 2x with a scaple, the docter banged him over the head with a bedpan leaving a dent in it the shape of Seans head.) GM
The Doctor, after sewing Sean back up to the amusement of the Unknown Soldier, helps the badly wounded party take the horse and buggy "to the hospital" through Italian lines, and to the extraction point. Unfortunetly, the horse doesn't want to stop at a checkpoint, so the party resorts to the gun, and the horsewhip, to get them out of trouble
The concious party members complete recon on zone B. An Italian patrol catches them, and a firefight breaks out. The Unknown Soldier takes a bullet to the grape, and goes down, while Sean and the Cap get some grenade frags, from a grenade the Cap threw while taking out the rest of the Eyties! The doctor assisting us goes down in a "morphine overdose", so first aid on the Unknown Soldier is performed quickly by a strangely muttering Sean.
The battered party staggers out to the sea plane pickup after observing Axis amphib. OPs preperations.
Hmmmm, maybe Jones was right after all... and we didn't even pick up any wine :(
Captain Milton hurts his ankle on the hump to the next recon zone.
Sgt. Connery thinks to aid in the theft of a horse and buggy by using a dose of morphine on the doctor they belong to, and promptly ends up scalpeled thru the hammy, and getting his head cracked open by a bedpan.
(The Docter fought back after he was attacked "with a morphine serret" & told several times that Sean was here to kill him {2 failed Italian rolls back to back saw to that} When Sean was immoble after the docter slashed the same leg 2x with a scaple, the docter banged him over the head with a bedpan leaving a dent in it the shape of Seans head.) GM
The Doctor, after sewing Sean back up to the amusement of the Unknown Soldier, helps the badly wounded party take the horse and buggy "to the hospital" through Italian lines, and to the extraction point. Unfortunetly, the horse doesn't want to stop at a checkpoint, so the party resorts to the gun, and the horsewhip, to get them out of trouble
The concious party members complete recon on zone B. An Italian patrol catches them, and a firefight breaks out. The Unknown Soldier takes a bullet to the grape, and goes down, while Sean and the Cap get some grenade frags, from a grenade the Cap threw while taking out the rest of the Eyties! The doctor assisting us goes down in a "morphine overdose", so first aid on the Unknown Soldier is performed quickly by a strangely muttering Sean.
The battered party staggers out to the sea plane pickup after observing Axis amphib. OPs preperations.
Hmmmm, maybe Jones was right after all... and we didn't even pick up any wine :(
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Other changes than just trying to get ourselves blowed-up reel gud!
1: We are no longer the 14 recon. We are now part of the 162 Commando. YEAH! I don't know much more than this except the 162 is a bigger unit and therefore we should be supported better in our tours of the countryside. However, I would assume that we will be under more observation by headquarters so we will have to look sharper.
This a word to the wise... I'm haven't turned anyone in (especially if they have whiskey) or turned down any joy rides (just let me know, huh) but this probably be a new ball game. If you're going to do something non-military (shivers, "Pink Whorehouses") there will probably be other people looking at your actions too. Just a thought.
2: I have been or will be Gazetted, That means my M.B.E. turns into an O.B.E.. Another couple of turns and you can address me as Sir Harold Milton. For a bunch of crazy people, we aren't half bad. Now if we can just trade the unwanted soldier for Adolf himself, we'll have this war half won. Sgt Connery, would you like to be Stalin?
3: Sgt. Jones has been put in for a field grade promotion to 2ndLt and either MID or a medal. If she gets the commission, I'm going to put in the paperwork for her to take over the command of the group and I actually start working as an observer/advisor.
That's all!
Cpt Harold Milton O.B.E.
This a word to the wise... I'm haven't turned anyone in (especially if they have whiskey) or turned down any joy rides (just let me know, huh) but this probably be a new ball game. If you're going to do something non-military (shivers, "Pink Whorehouses") there will probably be other people looking at your actions too. Just a thought.
2: I have been or will be Gazetted, That means my M.B.E. turns into an O.B.E.. Another couple of turns and you can address me as Sir Harold Milton. For a bunch of crazy people, we aren't half bad. Now if we can just trade the unwanted soldier for Adolf himself, we'll have this war half won. Sgt Connery, would you like to be Stalin?
3: Sgt. Jones has been put in for a field grade promotion to 2ndLt and either MID or a medal. If she gets the commission, I'm going to put in the paperwork for her to take over the command of the group and I actually start working as an observer/advisor.
That's all!
Cpt Harold Milton O.B.E.
Friday, May 06, 2005
I guess now it's my turn. Capt Harold Alexander Milton O.B.E.
A United States Citizen, I was born to a family of wealth and priveledge. Graduated from the Harvard in Political Science and International Finance. I was working on my masters when the war in Poland started. I tried to enlist in the intellegence services here in the U.S. but was offered an analyst job with no cance of getting to see the real war.
I then entered Canada, where I tried to enlist in British Intellegence but got the same story from MI6. Almost giving up, I instead joined the Royal Paratroopers. After training, I somehow found myself rushed trough commando school and sent to England.
Attached to British Intellegence and the Hq. of the B.E.F., I spent most of my time with the Anaylist Dept. but managed to get a set of forged papers that placed me with British commandos/scouts. While this work had it's rewarding moments, I found myself frustrated as headquarters up and down the line couldn't or wouldn't believe that the German's were in such numbers and power. They refused to believe that the Germans were moving so fast through France that German armored units were breaking into the BEF and French rear areas. Calls for reinforcements went unfullfiled at best.
After some major scrapes, I thought my fairie godmother had tapped me on the shoulder. Along with several other commando/scouts, I was pulled from France. We arrived in Milton Keynes, England only to find that MI6 was going through our papers with a fine tooth comb. None of us had the original papers that were given to us when we were assigned to the AEF. I was busted to private and then reassigned to a new group that Intelligence was putting together called S.O.E..
I took the demotion in rank in stride if I could only get back and hurt the Germans. I was then assigned to an infilltration group that has seemed to be peopled by ex-ward patients. However, we've managed to fight our way through France, Greece, Italy, the desert and now Sicily. with only minor mistakes. {I think I need another drink!}
I then entered Canada, where I tried to enlist in British Intellegence but got the same story from MI6. Almost giving up, I instead joined the Royal Paratroopers. After training, I somehow found myself rushed trough commando school and sent to England.
Attached to British Intellegence and the Hq. of the B.E.F., I spent most of my time with the Anaylist Dept. but managed to get a set of forged papers that placed me with British commandos/scouts. While this work had it's rewarding moments, I found myself frustrated as headquarters up and down the line couldn't or wouldn't believe that the German's were in such numbers and power. They refused to believe that the Germans were moving so fast through France that German armored units were breaking into the BEF and French rear areas. Calls for reinforcements went unfullfiled at best.
After some major scrapes, I thought my fairie godmother had tapped me on the shoulder. Along with several other commando/scouts, I was pulled from France. We arrived in Milton Keynes, England only to find that MI6 was going through our papers with a fine tooth comb. None of us had the original papers that were given to us when we were assigned to the AEF. I was busted to private and then reassigned to a new group that Intelligence was putting together called S.O.E..
I took the demotion in rank in stride if I could only get back and hurt the Germans. I was then assigned to an infilltration group that has seemed to be peopled by ex-ward patients. However, we've managed to fight our way through France, Greece, Italy, the desert and now Sicily. with only minor mistakes. {I think I need another drink!}
Monday, May 02, 2005
The mind of Sean Connery
Colour Serjeant Sean Connery, G.C., M.B.E., M.M.
Sean ends up with this party as a para redshirt.
As a kid, Sean was enthralled by the tales of Roarke's Drift, and the Valor the Welsh showed there. As vets of the Great War poured back into his town, and related the stories of trench fighting, Sean decided to be a soldier when he grew up, instead of grubbing in the mines.

BUT... Sean was also a rapt devourer of ghost and witch stories growing up. An archeologist that pursued the odder side of history passed through Sean's town, and left town with his own batman. Highly intelligent, Sean quickly became a researcher's asset in America, Palestine, and the Phillipines. Loving to fight, and wielding a knife ,Sean was also a good bodyguard in some of the bars the archeologist did a lot of business in. Sean learned escrima in three years in the Phillipines.
Sean knows quite a bit about the occult, especially from Phillipino folklore, Eygyptian, and Hebraic lore, including Kabala.
His library, before the Unknown Soldier pitched it overboard, included:
1846 Osburn, William. -- Ancient Egypt, Her testimony to the truth of the Bible. Being an interpretation of the inscriptions and pictures which remain upon Her tombs and temples
1884 Harris, Thomas Lake. -- The Wisdom of the Adepts. Esoteric Science in Human History
1896 Redway -- Devil- Worship in France, or the Question of Lucifer. A Record of things seen and heard in the Secret Societies according to the evidence of Initiates
1896 Huxley, Thomas -- Science and Hebrew Tradition
1899 Olivers, T. S -- A Dweller on Two Planets or The Dividing of the Way
1910 Weiser -- Kabbala
1913 Abelson, J. -- JEWISH MYSTICISM - An introduction to the Kabbalah.
1937 Waite, A.E. -- The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry
The archeologist died in 1936, and Sean promptly enlisted in the 1st Welsh Guards. Sean was with the the HQ defense battalion with the BEF, and saw action at Boulogne, Arras, and finally Dunkirk. Sean was selected for training with No 2 Commando, and seconded to the party (SOE:MHF) before completing training. His favorite part of the training was the hand to hand, and sentry removal techniques.
Sean fits well with the party. There are some wierd things going on in the background, which Sean is happy to observe. To his astonishment, he was stabbed in the head by what he could have sworn was a mummy, and after that Sean began having some STRANGE dreams. He has also experienced some blackouts.
He also enjoys being with this group due to their "adaptability" in carrying out missions. Sean is fanatical regarding the British Empire, but looks down on the royalty, the peerage, and all upper-class twits, and their rules. Sean tries to be a good NCO to defend the Empire, despite his trouble-seeking character and his prejudices. He gets along with, and likes, Scotsmen, Australians, and Americans ("good fighters and good blighters"). He doesn't like Irishmen as "traitors" to the Empire. He refers to everybody else, european, african, or whomsoever as "wogs", or more often as "bloody wogs". He absolutely despises the french, and put several french sailors out of action before the Dakar mission in a barfight.
Sean favors the knife, especially his balisong, and his beloved Faibairn, but really, really likes throwing grenades. It's too bad he's only knifed one Jerry so far, with his extensive use of ther grenade, the Thompson, and the Scmeisser.

Sean's current fear is being made an officer; luckily with the class concious English, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. As long as he sticks with schemes involving whorehouses and "midnight requisitioning", he believes that officer's pips will never trouble him. He thought that he would be promoted to WO II after taking the tank, but his dealings in NYC (he traded a live German hand grenade for an occult book) may have put the kibosh on that. Bloody Yank CIC was watching at the time.
Sean's big weakness as far as the party is concerned is his obession with, almost his addiction to, prostitutes. Either that, or his tendency to shoot at Germans on sight.
Hint for the party - to keep him from shooting Germans, include planning that has Sean sneaking up and knifing them. That should satisfy the bloodlust.
Sean ends up with this party as a para redshirt.
As a kid, Sean was enthralled by the tales of Roarke's Drift, and the Valor the Welsh showed there. As vets of the Great War poured back into his town, and related the stories of trench fighting, Sean decided to be a soldier when he grew up, instead of grubbing in the mines.
BUT... Sean was also a rapt devourer of ghost and witch stories growing up. An archeologist that pursued the odder side of history passed through Sean's town, and left town with his own batman. Highly intelligent, Sean quickly became a researcher's asset in America, Palestine, and the Phillipines. Loving to fight, and wielding a knife ,Sean was also a good bodyguard in some of the bars the archeologist did a lot of business in. Sean learned escrima in three years in the Phillipines.
Sean knows quite a bit about the occult, especially from Phillipino folklore, Eygyptian, and Hebraic lore, including Kabala.
His library, before the Unknown Soldier pitched it overboard, included:
1846 Osburn, William. -- Ancient Egypt, Her testimony to the truth of the Bible. Being an interpretation of the inscriptions and pictures which remain upon Her tombs and temples
1884 Harris, Thomas Lake. -- The Wisdom of the Adepts. Esoteric Science in Human History
1896 Redway -- Devil- Worship in France, or the Question of Lucifer. A Record of things seen and heard in the Secret Societies according to the evidence of Initiates
1896 Huxley, Thomas -- Science and Hebrew Tradition
1899 Olivers, T. S -- A Dweller on Two Planets or The Dividing of the Way
1910 Weiser -- Kabbala
1913 Abelson, J. -- JEWISH MYSTICISM - An introduction to the Kabbalah.
1937 Waite, A.E. -- The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry
The archeologist died in 1936, and Sean promptly enlisted in the 1st Welsh Guards. Sean was with the the HQ defense battalion with the BEF, and saw action at Boulogne, Arras, and finally Dunkirk. Sean was selected for training with No 2 Commando, and seconded to the party (SOE:MHF) before completing training. His favorite part of the training was the hand to hand, and sentry removal techniques.
Sean fits well with the party. There are some wierd things going on in the background, which Sean is happy to observe. To his astonishment, he was stabbed in the head by what he could have sworn was a mummy, and after that Sean began having some STRANGE dreams. He has also experienced some blackouts.
He also enjoys being with this group due to their "adaptability" in carrying out missions. Sean is fanatical regarding the British Empire, but looks down on the royalty, the peerage, and all upper-class twits, and their rules. Sean tries to be a good NCO to defend the Empire, despite his trouble-seeking character and his prejudices. He gets along with, and likes, Scotsmen, Australians, and Americans ("good fighters and good blighters"). He doesn't like Irishmen as "traitors" to the Empire. He refers to everybody else, european, african, or whomsoever as "wogs", or more often as "bloody wogs". He absolutely despises the french, and put several french sailors out of action before the Dakar mission in a barfight.
Sean favors the knife, especially his balisong, and his beloved Faibairn, but really, really likes throwing grenades. It's too bad he's only knifed one Jerry so far, with his extensive use of ther grenade, the Thompson, and the Scmeisser.
Sean's current fear is being made an officer; luckily with the class concious English, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. As long as he sticks with schemes involving whorehouses and "midnight requisitioning", he believes that officer's pips will never trouble him. He thought that he would be promoted to WO II after taking the tank, but his dealings in NYC (he traded a live German hand grenade for an occult book) may have put the kibosh on that. Bloody Yank CIC was watching at the time.
Sean's big weakness as far as the party is concerned is his obession with, almost his addiction to, prostitutes. Either that, or his tendency to shoot at Germans on sight.
Hint for the party - to keep him from shooting Germans, include planning that has Sean sneaking up and knifing them. That should satisfy the bloodlust.
Thank G*d it wasn't Monty!
You are General Omar N. Bradley (1893-1981).
People called you the GI General, and you were one
of Eisenhower's most reliable commanders in
Europe. After the war you served as the first
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Which WWII Allied General are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
GM's answer, and Captain Milton -
You are General George S. Patton, Jr
You are the general most feared by the Germans due
to your
agressive actions in combat. You
believe you have been
reincarnated several
times, always as as soldier. One of the
controversial figures of the war you do not
long survive
it, being killed by a car accident
after the German surrender.
In October 1945, he assumed command of the Fifteenth Army in
American-occupied Germany. On December 21, 1945, General Patton died
in Germany as a result of an automobile accident. He is buried among
the soldiers who died in the Battle of the Bulge in Hamm, Luxembourg.
Corvo Rosso
The part argues two and a half hours over the method of insertion, and op goals. Finally, a plan is agrred upon, and the party inserts into Sicily to RECON, and not shoot up, Axis airfields on Sicily. Fortunatly, we sneak enuff demo in to deal with targets of oppurtunities.
Jones, having the only rational mind, takes a support role (and the MORE dangerous duty, as far as Sean is concerned) in sneaking in and out of the enemy AO to take out daily intel, and provide resupply.
Sean and the Unknown Soldier show extremly uncharacteristic restraint in sneaking across a bridge by not killing the sentries. Of course, Meryl adds to the hun's distraction, and the party leaves the guards shot full of morphine, and stinking of wine, sans auschweiss and wallets. Hopefully, Jerry shoots the guards himself, because the party doesn't kill a single Jerry in this mission...
So far!
BTW, corvo rosso (sp?) is a damn good sweet red made on Sicily. Hopefullt the party can resupply with a few bootles!
Jones, having the only rational mind, takes a support role (and the MORE dangerous duty, as far as Sean is concerned) in sneaking in and out of the enemy AO to take out daily intel, and provide resupply.
Sean and the Unknown Soldier show extremly uncharacteristic restraint in sneaking across a bridge by not killing the sentries. Of course, Meryl adds to the hun's distraction, and the party leaves the guards shot full of morphine, and stinking of wine, sans auschweiss and wallets. Hopefully, Jerry shoots the guards himself, because the party doesn't kill a single Jerry in this mission...
So far!
BTW, corvo rosso (sp?) is a damn good sweet red made on Sicily. Hopefullt the party can resupply with a few bootles!
Sunday, May 01, 2005
Saint George
Apparently, the party DID NOT blow up in a plane crash, or on the docks. It's funny, coz Sean remembers, even though the rest of the party doesn't.
The party is instead, sent to the Isle of Malta to install a radar site. To pass time, a plane is "appropriated" so that the party can fly to Alexandria, and recruit a dirty dozen of camp followers, and sets up a whorehouse on Malta. Meryl dives into the madam biz head first, and paints the house a garish pink.
German/Italian interdiction sinks the ships carrying the radar's generators twice, so Jones and the Unknown Soldier salvage a generator from a sunken Brit ship, and put the radar site into operation.
A second radar is bartered from a damaged destroyer, after treating the captain to a night of revelry. Sean takes a downed Kraut pilot prisoner, who dies during the process, and no one believes that Sean didn't kill him.
Cap Milton rescues as many Spitfire pilots as he can from a Kraut strafing run. The party next plans a strike on the field the ME109s attacked from...
The party is instead, sent to the Isle of Malta to install a radar site. To pass time, a plane is "appropriated" so that the party can fly to Alexandria, and recruit a dirty dozen of camp followers, and sets up a whorehouse on Malta. Meryl dives into the madam biz head first, and paints the house a garish pink.
German/Italian interdiction sinks the ships carrying the radar's generators twice, so Jones and the Unknown Soldier salvage a generator from a sunken Brit ship, and put the radar site into operation.
A second radar is bartered from a damaged destroyer, after treating the captain to a night of revelry. Sean takes a downed Kraut pilot prisoner, who dies during the process, and no one believes that Sean didn't kill him.
Cap Milton rescues as many Spitfire pilots as he can from a Kraut strafing run. The party next plans a strike on the field the ME109s attacked from...
Monday, April 25, 2005
Half the party is carousing too hard after the radar site raid; the other half is gathered up to spend 3 weeks humping thru the Scots highlands in preparation for...another raid!
Things go bad for the party on the flight over when our pilot Meryl crashes the plane in a mishap - the party is dead. Or is it? After an hour of laughing over exactly what Meryl had done, the DM notices COMMON SENSE listed on her ADV's. Ok, we don't die.
Right after that, we get shot down over the drop area. Hard landings seperate the party, who then set out to destroy this French (France! Again! We thought the target was in Norway!!)dry dock. Sean manages to throw more grenades
, and the Unknown Soldier yet again charges a MG.
Extraction becomes impossible, and the party sets out to evade and escape, only to run into some Kraut armored cars. The adventure ends with the party in German custody (and the Unknown Soldier in the corpse heap) when an explosive-ladened Brit destroyer goes off aginst the docks.
Things go bad for the party on the flight over when our pilot Meryl crashes the plane in a mishap - the party is dead. Or is it? After an hour of laughing over exactly what Meryl had done, the DM notices COMMON SENSE listed on her ADV's. Ok, we don't die.
Right after that, we get shot down over the drop area. Hard landings seperate the party, who then set out to destroy this French (France! Again! We thought the target was in Norway!!)dry dock. Sean manages to throw more grenades
Extraction becomes impossible, and the party sets out to evade and escape, only to run into some Kraut armored cars. The adventure ends with the party in German custody (and the Unknown Soldier in the corpse heap) when an explosive-ladened Brit destroyer goes off aginst the docks.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Shit, I had got a PzIII
You're a German Tiger Tank (Panzer VI)
You were the backside punter of battlefields. When
and his crew drove you around like the
blood-thirsty aryans they were, you blew up 273
american/soviet armor units on your own. All
that thanks to a big ass cannon and a
Berlin-Wall thick armor. You did have some
serious drawbacks like costs of production and
complex maintenance but we can't really expect
something else from Germans. Conclusion: You
probably rule.
Which WWII Tank are you ?
brought to you by Quizilla
The GM got the folowing, but disagreed with the description, although funny, so we changed it a bit.
You're a French Renault R-35
Surprisingly had the heaviest armor of any tank in the field, of the day. Qualified as a heavy tank when the Germans used mainly light and medium tanks. Defeated by the Germans, as blitzkrieg concentrated armor to defeat the spread out Renault.
Which WWII Tank are you ?
brought to you by Quizilla
Captain Milton/Alex:
You're a Soviet T34/85
Reign of Steel - Open Thread
2020AD Austin Texas 35years of machine occupation has not been pretty.
Most of the the tall buildings are rubbeled or partially rubbeled.
Everything else is a mess.
Camp maybery was hit with a tactical nuke in the early stages of the skynet attack.
the only 2 bridges left up are I-35 & Congress ave.
The Machines patrol the Austin area somewhat agressively, with HK Tanks, & Sensor Bots.
Popup Flying mines have been seen in the Maybery area to the NW.
HK overflights of the river area every 1/2 hour or so & an airattack base on standby @ Dell Vall in the SE. A new type of HK Supersonic Flyier has been observed with a carrying capasity of 20 Terminators.
Most of the the tall buildings are rubbeled or partially rubbeled.
Everything else is a mess.
Camp maybery was hit with a tactical nuke in the early stages of the skynet attack.
the only 2 bridges left up are I-35 & Congress ave.
The Machines patrol the Austin area somewhat agressively, with HK Tanks, & Sensor Bots.
Popup Flying mines have been seen in the Maybery area to the NW.
HK overflights of the river area every 1/2 hour or so & an airattack base on standby @ Dell Vall in the SE. A new type of HK Supersonic Flyier has been observed with a carrying capasity of 20 Terminators.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Twilight 2000 Open Thread
Post Twi2000 comments here
This will remain linked on the side bar
This will remain linked on the side bar
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
First Post
Oohrah - let's get to it.
I'm in a GURPS campaign based on WWII. The party is based on an SOE team, altough we've fudged a bit. The DM is sticking as close to the historical timeline as possible.
Trust me on that, coz I tried to get the party to keep the Kraut invasion of Crete from succeeding as possible, and we couldn't swing it. We aslo sunk a couple of enemy ships offa Dakar and the cheese-eating frogs STILL ran, and couldn't complete the invasion.
I play a Welsh NCO named Sean Connery. Sean likes fighting, and throwing grenades. He has had a FEW mishaps throwing grenades, and still throws them. Of course, he also has the Overconfident, Impulsive, and Bloodlust DIS's. Hint, I won't be buying them off anytime soon.
I laughed my ass off when I read the sourcebook, and found that the Welsh were regarded as "dark and brooding madmen".
There is also an element of "wierd war" in the campagin, but I won't go into that for campaign reasons.
Russell plays the Unknown Soldier, a Dutchman disfigured in an early raid, who also happens to have Bloodlust. Trust us to go after prisoners :)
Meryl plays a female pilot who distracts Jerry with her "forward assets".
Laura plays another Welshman who prevents us from blowing up everything we run across. We were planning on blowing up the Eiffel Tower on a jaunt thru Paris. Well, shit, we HAD extra demo.
Alex plays an American liason officer who the rest of the party (errr, me) prevented from gaining Captain's bars in our recent trip to NYC.
Phil plays a paratrooper who redshirts with us, and wierd things just happen around him. For example, a dried up dude in old rags that smelt like myrrh just happened to stab me in the head once while we were in Egypt.
Anyway, we can comment here, but don't reveal any secrets.
Loose lips sink ships!
I'm in a GURPS campaign based on WWII. The party is based on an SOE team, altough we've fudged a bit. The DM is sticking as close to the historical timeline as possible.
Trust me on that, coz I tried to get the party to keep the Kraut invasion of Crete from succeeding as possible, and we couldn't swing it. We aslo sunk a couple of enemy ships offa Dakar and the cheese-eating frogs STILL ran, and couldn't complete the invasion.
I play a Welsh NCO named Sean Connery. Sean likes fighting, and throwing grenades. He has had a FEW mishaps throwing grenades, and still throws them. Of course, he also has the Overconfident, Impulsive, and Bloodlust DIS's. Hint, I won't be buying them off anytime soon.
I laughed my ass off when I read the sourcebook, and found that the Welsh were regarded as "dark and brooding madmen".
There is also an element of "wierd war" in the campagin, but I won't go into that for campaign reasons.
Russell plays the Unknown Soldier, a Dutchman disfigured in an early raid, who also happens to have Bloodlust. Trust us to go after prisoners :)
Meryl plays a female pilot who distracts Jerry with her "forward assets".
Laura plays another Welshman who prevents us from blowing up everything we run across. We were planning on blowing up the Eiffel Tower on a jaunt thru Paris. Well, shit, we HAD extra demo.
Alex plays an American liason officer who the rest of the party (errr, me) prevented from gaining Captain's bars in our recent trip to NYC.
Phil plays a paratrooper who redshirts with us, and wierd things just happen around him. For example, a dried up dude in old rags that smelt like myrrh just happened to stab me in the head once while we were in Egypt.
Anyway, we can comment here, but don't reveal any secrets.
Loose lips sink ships!
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