Sean ends up with this party as a para redshirt.
As a kid, Sean was enthralled by the tales of Roarke's Drift, and the Valor the Welsh showed there. As vets of the Great War poured back into his town, and related the stories of trench fighting, Sean decided to be a soldier when he grew up, instead of grubbing in the mines.
BUT... Sean was also a rapt devourer of ghost and witch stories growing up. An archeologist that pursued the odder side of history passed through Sean's town, and left town with his own batman. Highly intelligent, Sean quickly became a researcher's asset in America, Palestine, and the Phillipines. Loving to fight, and wielding a knife ,Sean was also a good bodyguard in some of the bars the archeologist did a lot of business in. Sean learned escrima in three years in the Phillipines.
Sean knows quite a bit about the occult, especially from Phillipino folklore, Eygyptian, and Hebraic lore, including Kabala.
His library, before the Unknown Soldier pitched it overboard, included:
1846 Osburn, William. -- Ancient Egypt, Her testimony to the truth of the Bible. Being an interpretation of the inscriptions and pictures which remain upon Her tombs and temples
1884 Harris, Thomas Lake. -- The Wisdom of the Adepts. Esoteric Science in Human History
1896 Redway -- Devil- Worship in France, or the Question of Lucifer. A Record of things seen and heard in the Secret Societies according to the evidence of Initiates
1896 Huxley, Thomas -- Science and Hebrew Tradition
1899 Olivers, T. S -- A Dweller on Two Planets or The Dividing of the Way
1910 Weiser -- Kabbala
1913 Abelson, J. -- JEWISH MYSTICISM - An introduction to the Kabbalah.
1937 Waite, A.E. -- The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry
The archeologist died in 1936, and Sean promptly enlisted in the 1st Welsh Guards. Sean was with the the HQ defense battalion with the BEF, and saw action at Boulogne, Arras, and finally Dunkirk. Sean was selected for training with No 2 Commando, and seconded to the party (SOE:MHF) before completing training. His favorite part of the training was the hand to hand, and sentry removal techniques.
Sean fits well with the party. There are some wierd things going on in the background, which Sean is happy to observe. To his astonishment, he was stabbed in the head by what he could have sworn was a mummy, and after that Sean began having some STRANGE dreams. He has also experienced some blackouts.
He also enjoys being with this group due to their "adaptability" in carrying out missions. Sean is fanatical regarding the British Empire, but looks down on the royalty, the peerage, and all upper-class twits, and their rules. Sean tries to be a good NCO to defend the Empire, despite his trouble-seeking character and his prejudices. He gets along with, and likes, Scotsmen, Australians, and Americans ("good fighters and good blighters"). He doesn't like Irishmen as "traitors" to the Empire. He refers to everybody else, european, african, or whomsoever as "wogs", or more often as "bloody wogs". He absolutely despises the french, and put several french sailors out of action before the Dakar mission in a barfight.
Sean favors the knife, especially his balisong, and his beloved Faibairn, but really, really likes throwing grenades. It's too bad he's only knifed one Jerry so far, with his extensive use of ther grenade, the Thompson, and the Scmeisser.
Sean's current fear is being made an officer; luckily with the class concious English, that shouldn't be too much of a problem. As long as he sticks with schemes involving whorehouses and "midnight requisitioning", he believes that officer's pips will never trouble him. He thought that he would be promoted to WO II after taking the tank, but his dealings in NYC (he traded a live German hand grenade for an occult book) may have put the kibosh on that. Bloody Yank CIC was watching at the time.
Sean's big weakness as far as the party is concerned is his obession with, almost his addiction to, prostitutes. Either that, or his tendency to shoot at Germans on sight.
Hint for the party - to keep him from shooting Germans, include planning that has Sean sneaking up and knifing them. That should satisfy the bloodlust.
This is of course, my character.
He was actually put together by the DM, as I would have gone with an American (a Marine). Bt when I saw the charcter's set up, I started laffing. Overconfident and impulsiveness fits me to a tee.
So far, this has been a bad-ass campaign
I feel like a GD demother than a combat officer...
Also Steve the drunken one, it was a BRITISH officer that was hearding you around New York.
That's right, bloody MI5!
First the yanks steal MY TANK, then my Schmeisser, and Walther.
I would not have shot any mobsters, I promised!
Then the damn toffs steal the Crown off my sleeve.
No I wouldn't have...
I traded my last grenade for a book.
If my knowledge is correct, you as a ENLISTED PERSON are not supposed to know how to read in Her Majesty's services. All the enlisted are good for is drinking and whoring.
Officers are gentlemen and therefore do know how to read. And drinking and whoring but it's known as imbibing and keeping a mistress. Very Fashionable, the right mistress can further one's career significantly!
But I respect your fear of becoming a member of the British Officer Corps.
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