I then entered Canada, where I tried to enlist in British Intellegence but got the same story from MI6. Almost giving up, I instead joined the Royal Paratroopers. After training, I somehow found myself rushed trough commando school and sent to England.
Attached to British Intellegence and the Hq. of the B.E.F., I spent most of my time with the Anaylist Dept. but managed to get a set of forged papers that placed me with British commandos/scouts. While this work had it's rewarding moments, I found myself frustrated as headquarters up and down the line couldn't or wouldn't believe that the German's were in such numbers and power. They refused to believe that the Germans were moving so fast through France that German armored units were breaking into the BEF and French rear areas. Calls for reinforcements went unfullfiled at best.
After some major scrapes, I thought my fairie godmother had tapped me on the shoulder. Along with several other commando/scouts, I was pulled from France. We arrived in Milton Keynes, England only to find that MI6 was going through our papers with a fine tooth comb. None of us had the original papers that were given to us when we were assigned to the AEF. I was busted to private and then reassigned to a new group that Intelligence was putting together called S.O.E..
I took the demotion in rank in stride if I could only get back and hurt the Germans. I was then assigned to an infilltration group that has seemed to be peopled by ex-ward patients. However, we've managed to fight our way through France, Greece, Italy, the desert and now Sicily. with only minor mistakes. {I think I need another drink!}
1 comment:
A good yank, and a good bloke with the MG34.
But yer needn't talk like a pommey to get yer knighthood. (Damn Cockney - How DOES a Welshman sound???)
Sir Herman! hahahahahah
Drinks on the house
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